Frequently Asked Questions

It is an introductory EKG course that engages the student/user. When adopted by a medical school PD it facilitates teaching, testing, grading and monitoring. The PD can help underperformers and focus on lectures proven to need clarification. For the physician who reads EKGs, The EKG: Learn it well with CME has great value.

As an advanced EKG course it can improve EKG interpretation skills for cardiology fellows, internal medicine (IM) residents, family practice (FP) residents, and emergency medicine (EM) residents and for Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) who specialize in cardiology.

Practicing clinicians can reinforce their skills and earn credit with EKGaction with CME.

Action potential is the change in electrical potential associated with the passage of an impulse along the membrane of a muscle cell or a nerve cell.

The EKG is derived from the action potential.

EKGaction is a contraction of EKG and action potential.

  1. Institutional subscriptions for hospital PDs for their residents or their staff physicians
  2. Individual subscriptions for residents or practitioners (without CME)
  3. Individual subscriptions for practitioners with CME

  1. Individual subscriptions for practitioners without CME
  2. Individual subscriptions for practitioners with CME
  3. Bundled The EKG: Learn it well with CME and EKGaction with CME